We are Eclipse. A modern, international organization that is committed to developing Customer Communication Management as a Service every day. We work as one team in both the Netherlands and Northern Macedonia. As a team, we are committed to helping customers use smart communication technologies every day.
Our vision
We are convinced that customer experience is becoming increasingly important. You want to be visible wherever your customers are. Technological developments and changing laws and regulations all influence the way you want to communicate with your customers, suppliers or colleagues. We believe that in this rapidly changing world of digital transformation and document logistics, your customers will always be central. The challenge for organizations to organize this properly is getting bigger and bigger, as is the demand for support. Eclipse offers exactly that support.
Our mission
We offer the best Customer Communication Management as a Service, allowing our customers to convert their data into readable texts in accordance with their house style guide within one digital environment. This content is sent via automated scenarios across various output channels. We report all relevant information in a smart and clear way. Usage, volume, distribution, but also opens/clicks/ etc. play a role.
In addition to functional requirements, our CCM platform facilitates in-depth information for audits, personal data protection and A/B testing. Eclipse offers your complete customer communication – a solution in the cloud where you only pay for actual usage.

Eclipse Group The Netherlands

Eclipse Group North Macedonia