Watch CCM as a Service Communication the way your customer wants it The customer takes center stage. This is what your company’s vision statement says. But practice can prove unruly. Links between customer systems falter. Software becomes outdated. Customer data is incomplete. Authorizations take a long time. And the house style guide is often ignored. Your customer does not get the feeling that they are at the center of attention. In fact, the opposite is true.

At Eclipse, we understand these challenges. Our Customer Communication Management as a Service offers the integral answer. Please contact us for a free proposal.


text messages are read within 2 minutes


faster invoice payment via a payment link


more turnover by focusing on existing customers


greater willingness to buy through better customer experience

The 6 advantages of Eclipse


Our working methods ensure safe storage and processing of customer data.

No major investment required

Our solutions are subject to a transparent monthly fee.

Communication the way your customer wants it

Communicating with your customer when and via which channel they prefer. Thus, omni-channel. That’s the most efficient way for your organization.

The safety and certainty of Software as a Service

Our CCM service is in the cloud (SaaS). Which means: no need for updates ever again. You have the certainty of always having the latest communication technology.

Growth in customer appreciation, loyalty, NPS and sales

Unambiguous customer communication via your customer’s preferred communication channel produces several positive results.

We are involved

Our team of specialists is always there for you. We improve your customer communication. Driven by technological developments or on request.

Take a look at the services that Eclipse can take care of for your organization.

Become an Eclipse partner

Choose a partnership with Eclipse. By doing so, your organization can offer our specialist CCM services to your business customers.
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